The Annals of the World by James Ussher

This is an essential work for those who would like to understand the chronology of the Bible and the Christian worldview.

Your ancient history questions can be answered with unmatched precision. James Ussher’s Annals of the World offers a comprehensive chronological examination of history from the beginning to 70 A.D. His meticulous research of over 12,000 historical documents (many no longer available) and 2000 quotes from the Bible or the Apocrypha has been compiled into the most exciting history of the world you are ever likely to read.

Could an investigation of ancient civilisations and their historical records prove the accuracy of the Holy Bible? Originally published in Latin in 1650, Annals of the World is an unparalleled academic chronology of sacred and secular history. Ussher’s highly regarded historical timeline has been the foundation of many translations of the Bible and was included in the margins of many King James Bibles throughout the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Answers to your age of the earth questions and Bible contradiction theories can be found in your exploration of human history within these 960 pages.

One of history’s most famous and well-respected historians. James Ussher devoted himself wholly to the defence of the Christian faith. This highly educated and well-travelled historian dedicated several years to writing this monumental ancient world history.

Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon by Torben Kuhlmann

An excellent book. The pictures are just mesmerising.

A long time ago, a mouse learned to fly . . . and crossed the Atlantic. But what happened next? Torben Kuhlmann’s stunning new book transports readers to the moon and beyond. On the heels of Lindbergh: The Tale of a Flying Mouse comes Armstrong: A Mouse on the Moon where dreams are determined only by the size of your imagination and the most prominent innovators are the smallest of all. The book ends with a brief non-fiction history of human space travel – from Galileo’s observations concerning the nature of the universe to man’s first steps on the moon.

The Inventor’s Son by S.B. James

The first book in a series set in a world that could have been. A steampunk setting with a paranormal twist where vampires, witches, and other characters roam the streets of London and Paris.

The story revolves around a teenage boy named Ethan, whose father is a reclusive inventor. When Ethan’s father goes missing, he finds out that his father has kept a few secrets from him. On a quest to find his missing father, he also discovers that he has paranormal powers.

The narrative is pretty good, but the language comes through as rather blunt.   

Star Trek: Picard

The first episode of Picard offered an overwhelming dose of nostalgia. Being a follow-up to the series Stark Trek: The Next generation, the nostalgia is inevitable. My only hope is that the team behind this promising show will find ways of breaking some new ground for Star Trek, thus creating a new fanbase.


I didn’t watch this movie in the days of yore, but as far as movies from the 1980s go this one fits in nicely in the genre. The story is a cross between Alien and Underworld, but with a better soundtrack, and far more explicit nudity.

This is a very underrated film and it breathes the sound and narrative of an entire decade. Horror and science fiction can be a perfect match. This film proves that point.

The Last Jedi

The special effects in this movie were excellent. Still, during the viewing, I constantly asked myself why they insisted on making some events so far out that the fans of this franchise left the theater with ambiguous feelings.

Not to spoil anything, but how can you drop bombs in space without gravitational pull? Not to mention the scene where a beloved character floats around in space, seemingly dead, yet (by using the Force, I gather) manages to find her way to safety.

It’s a decent movie that could have been even better.

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