The fifth installment of the series was good. Not the greatest in the series but still worth watching.
Category: Film and TV
Boss Baby
A great family movie. As with most titles from Dream Works, this was fun and deep at the same time; appealing both to kids and adults.
Bridge to Terabithia
A great movie celebrating friendship, and the power of imagination. I will definitely read Paterson’s book too. Hopefully, it’s even better than the movie.
Westworld, Season 1
This is a brilliant show which offers the viewer a chance to discover what it is to be human in a philosophical sense. The show is very well played – (Anthony Hopkins is especially worth praise for his interpretation of Dr Robert Ford), and the narrative is well conceived. In my opinion, the show will perhaps be even better after a second viewing.
A Cat in Paris (Une vie du chat)
A movie with both heart and humor.
The Skin I Live In (La piel que habito)
Another film from the Spanish director Pedro Almodovar. An absurd history with tragicomic connotations in an elusive reality.
My Afternoons With Marguerite (La tête en friche)

Museum of Life
This series is eye candy for all of us who love to go behind the scenes at the world’s largest natural history museum. As a collector you become mesmerized by the curious oddities found at The Natural History Museum, London. The countless stories of the origins of the vast collections are interspersed with explanations and insights of how the collections help to propagate biological knowledge.

The Postman (Il Postino)