This film was highly controversial when it came out in 1973. It deals with the Nazification of Germany from 1933 to 1945, told through a compilation of Nazi footage, newsreels, propaganda films, and Eva Braun’s home movies. The videos speak for themselves without any narration. Most of the film is a compilation of reels of everyday life in Germany. Watching private footage of those close to Hitler that I’ve never seen myself was distressing, knowing what all this led up to a few years later. The film beings with aerial footage of Berlin’s heyday in the 1930s and ends with similar footage depicting a heavily bombed Berlin in 1945.
Tag: Documentary
Museum of Life
This series is eye candy for all of us who love to go behind the scenes at the world’s largest natural history museum. As a collector you become mesmerized by the curious oddities found at The Natural History Museum, London. The countless stories of the origins of the vast collections are interspersed with explanations and insights of how the collections help to propagate biological knowledge.